The Book


I'm writing a book!

There’s Nothing Wrong With You is a book about y(our) journey to healing and wholeness through the most important affirmation we’ll ever learn. The Truth that we are not problems to be fixed. We are beautiful, unique souls created by God having a Human experience. There’s nothing wrong with us and who we are in Christ.



I was born on Tuesday, June 29, 1993 at 7:28 PM in Los Angeles, California. I was born in the City of Angels. I was born with a Cancer Sun to a Cancer Sun. My mother’s first feelings after pushing me out were of love, but also fear and concern as the doctors told her I wasn’t breathing. My face, blue, as the seconds tick-tocked, every moment that passed an ultimate test in Faith. As the doctor’s drained the guck blocking my airway, I took my first breath and cried with all the life in me. I imagine my mother cried too, a mix of joy and elation at this miracle. This would be the first of many miracles along my path before I came to awaken and realize that I was meant to be here. This book is the result of this realization. 

It wasn’t easy to get here. I’ve had to fight for my life literally from the womb. There have also been other situations in my life where I felt targeted for simply being myself. I cycled through depression and overachieving thinking that I needed to earn love. There were so many times even in adulthood where I wanted to give up on life as waking up to face the world felt impossible. 

Yet, there were moments where my life felt destined. I would step forward in blind faith and it seemed as if my path was laid out for me to discover. 

I remember one such moment in my life was when I got accepted to USC’s 3+3 program for law school. (Now the beautiful numerology of 3 and 3 aligned with my life path number  3 is not lost on me.

I remember that moment in my life did not feel forced or like a chore — it felt divinely inspired and led. When I was asked to talk about my experience and to share how I got there, I would just quote Proverbs 16:9. I may have now evolved away from traditional Christianity but the Truth stands on its own. The Truth in my life is that, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” 

You can put God/Creator/Universe/Source/Spirit in that space of “Lord” and it still rings True. I thought I knew what this life was about. I thought I knew what my purpose was. God was weaving and leading my steps in a way so amazing, it’s taken up until now for me to put it together. 

In this book you will find:

1. essays

2. poems and song lyrics 

3. affirmations and prayers

4. anecdotes and quotes

5. SoulCollage® cards 

6. guest features from my Soul family 

This is a testament to never giving up on the journey to your true Self in Christ. I’m beyond grateful to be here with the honor of sharing my journey with you. 

In 2015, these 4 steps came to me as a strong intuitive thought. There was also inspiration from my father and what I picked up from his expository preaching. He always said you have to “make it plain.” The 4 parts of this journey has spanned years and they are not linear. Yet, they haven’t changed. 

A. Acknowledge We’ve Been Lied To 

B. Believe the Truth

C. Choose your True Self in Christ

D. Discover Healing and Wholeness 

When I was born inherently missing my lost sibling, I needed to know that it was okay that I survived. I needed this book. 

When I was 6 years old I cried myself to sleep because a girl at school made fun of me for “smiling too much.” I needed this book. 

When I was 9 years old I told myself I could never be Dorothy in the school musical, “The Wizard of Oz." I needed this book. 

When I was 13 years old I didn’t want to wear a bikini at the pool because my stomach wasn’t flat. I needed this book. 

When I was 16 years old I ate lunch in the choir room at school because I didn’t think I was “cool” enough to eat outside. I needed this book. 

When I was 18 years old the first guy I’d ever dated referred to me as a “bitch” that thought she was “special.” I needed this book. 

In my 20's, I cycled in and out of abusive relationships. There were deep childhood and ancestral wounds I didn't even know were there. I needed this book. 

And now at 28, I am writing the book that I needed in hopes that it will set hearts free. I hope that it will illuminate what has always been true. There is nothing wrong with me and there is nothing wrong with YOU. Christ makes all things new.  

I dedicate this book to those who have been on this life journey with me and to those I have yet to meet. I thank you for riding these waves and for loving me in my shadows and my true self. I thank you for speaking life into me when I couldn’t drum up the strength to do it for myself. Thank you. This is y(our) path to freedom.