How I gave my power away to archon puppets (celebrities)
Ephesians 5:11
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
I’ve suffered from an intense writer’s block and confusion about what to share for months now, but with the prompting of Spirit, it’s very clear that it’s time for me to share the truth of my life. One way I’ve consistently given my power and energy away over my life has been in my worship of celebrities. One, I don’t know these “people” (most of them are fully possessed by demonic entities) personally, and the more that I deprogram and wake up from the matrix I’ve been dissociated in — I see that not only did I not know them enough to be worshipping them, I was also inadvertently worshipping the demons they were possessed by and the ones attached to them. I was also then complicit in the abuses and disgusting acts happening behind the scenes for them to maintain their fame and riches.
As I shared before, this world is run by bloodline-obsessed occultists. They worship and get their occult knowledge from fallen angels/archons/entities. I am very serious when I say that I now know this from experience after my own journey into the occult and divination for the last few years. It all felt very natural and familiar for me because it was in my programming and very deep in my lineage. It’s literally in my DNA because so much of my family have been initiated too. I’m publicly exposing these practices.
I was born in LA and lived in Long Beach most of my life, which means I really couldn’t escape the fake glamour world of Hollywood and its temptations. A repressed creative and introverted child with access to computers due to my dad’s early interest in tech, chatrooms became my escape early in life. In those chatrooms, I could be anyone I wanted to be. I definitely didn’t want to be a neglected child being sexually abused so I became whoever felt better to me. I was a catfish before catfish was coined. My earliest memories of chatrooms were the Yahoo! games chatrooms. I don’t remember if I actually played the games, chess, checkers, Tetris — it was the conversations happening in the rooms that was intriguing. The game of conversation. Creating a life beyond the one I had. The conversations were colorful and I didn’t always understand them but I was learning and absorbing. This might have been another way for me to learn about the shadow of humans. I was learning people without the mask they put on in their daily lives and learning about people’s other more unfiltered personas. I learned what they wanted and it was what I wanted to — connection and in some ways, attention. I just didn’t think that I could get that connection as myself, so I was anyone else. I created avatars and gravitated as the years went by to all kinds of sites, Neopets…The N..but my favorite became fan forums. Other places where I could get lost in the world of my favorite celebrity. I could discuss their lives and obsess over all the clues of what they chose to share with their fans. When the celebrities would share more personal things with fans, it felt like you were getting closer to them somehow.
I went through more distinct phases and each year from the early 2000’s-beyond was consumed by some celebrity instead of my current life. It kept me from having to be fully present with awkward years of puberty and first crushes and girl talk and gossip and cliques. I was bullied and felt like the weird church girl anyway, so I stayed on the outskirts socially. I came home to my holographic computer life and felt like I belonged. Like I was understood. Little did I know at the time due to being SLEEP, this whole reality is holographic.
Let’s see, so early 2000’s - I was obsessed with Aaliyah and devastated when ~she was sacrificed. 2002-2003 was all about Khleo Thomas, Shia Labeouf, and Nick Cannon for me. 2004 was my Eminem year. 2005-2006 was my Chris Brown, Bow Wow and Rihanna year. I went back to Shia in 2007-2008, and also got intensely obsessed with the Obamas. In 2009-2011, it was pretty much Michael Jackson, Prince and Kanye West. 2010-2013 it was Leonardo Dicaprio (I had a Tumblr dedicated to him that had over 10,000 followers at one point) and Donald Glover was pretty heavily an obsession during this time too. Then from about 2013-2016, it was a combination of all the above. This is incredibly embarrassing for me, but I’m exposing myself to be clear that what I’m saying about idolizing celebrities is not coming from a place of judgment or hate. I was just as guilty of absorbing these celebrities' outside persona and believing them without realizing the extent of what was really happening with them. As a victim of monarch programming myself, I feel like part of my obsession was actually my alters and empathic understanding that these ~people had experienced child abuse too. Child stars are notorious for having their programming breakdown in adulthood and going down an intense negative spiral. This is all by evil design. Aaliyah was molested and preyed on by R. Kelly when she was just 12-14. Shia Labeouf was abused heavily by his alcoholic father and subjected to satanic ritual abuse through the Disney apparatus. Eminem was a victim of a mother with Munchausen’s Syndrome and drug addiction. We already know how much Michael Jackson went through growing up in the Jehovah’s Witness cult and with a father who abused and sold him out to the highest bidder. Every celebrity that I worshipped was under trauma-based mind control and being used for a larger scale agenda to bring in the AntiChrist/Beast/AI system.
However, my favorite celebrities were also all being initiated into occult secret societies as they became more famous and accumulated more wealth. The occult symbolism was all over their music videos, song lyrics, movies, tv shows and it was programming me even more. The symbols were bypassing my conscious mind and becoming lodged in my subconscious for me to repeat and justify. My own beliefs about everything from who God is to healthy ways to live were being unconsciously influenced by my idols. So, why was this an issue exactly?
Well, because those secret initiations and symbols are all signs that they’ve been “illuminated.” They’ve seen the light. And who’s shown them the light? Oh, yeah. None other than the light bearers. The Archons.
Once my eyes were opened, I could see the signs everywhere. This isn’t about a half baked, controlled opposition illuminati thing, this is about a real organized society of Black Magick practicing Luciferians who join different Orders like Freemasonry, the Golden Dawn, Phoenix, Rosicrucians etc. to learn occult secrets and end up ultimately giving their soul and allegiance to these gatekeeping entities. These groups are in many ways responsible for and complicit in global child/soul trafficking and abuse. I’m completely serious about this.
You will always see the all seeing eye, the sun for illumination and sun worship, pyramids, checkerboard floors and print for duality, stairways and arches related to star gates, snakes, reverence to old Egyptian and greek gods and mythology, dogs to represent Sirius the dog star, and many other symbols. All of the symbolism from these idols are them telling you, “I am no longer one of the profane - deaf, blind and dumb (you), I’ve been illuminated to the true nature of the world. We live in a holographic matrix, reincarnation is real, and Lucifer was a liberator. He just wanted us to know that “we are gods.” Now, worship me and give me your energy. Thank you.”
I remember in college how DISTURBED I was at probates when new greek members had crossed over after going through their own form of trauma based mind control and occult initiations. Once I learned the dark truth about what they had to endure, I was openly anti-greek. It disgusted me and still does! It’s elitist and covers up for tons of abuses of power. The culture of secrecy and the pipelines that most of these members go on to be pumped into lead to their further participation in more initiations and more secret societies until they are ultimately in the power networks of our Satanic/Saturnic world government. Look, I’m not pulling this from the internet. I’m only going to be talking from my lived experience going forward so people recognize how real this is and how it actually does impact your life. I’ve been able to see behind the veil throughout my life without me even realizing why until now. I can whistleblow on our satanic churches because I was raised in the Baptist church under pedophiles and rapists masquerading as angels. I’ve seen the inner workings of organizations like the Anti-Defamation League, the LA Mayor’s Office, various areas of the Senate and the House with my work in DC. You don’t rise up in any of these ranks without taking blood oaths. Whether that is through your greek organization or another occult society, you will eventually have to show your loyalty to these EVIL power structures. Because this is Saturn’s matrix we live in, the higher you go, the more abuses and wrongs you will see and have to stay quiet about unless you want to sacrifice your place in those systems. It’s a big club, and we ain’t in it~ as George Carlin would say. He was also initiated. They all are eventually. Did I know this when I was worshipping them? NO and I truly wish that I did. It was disturbing enough accepting that Michael Jackson really was a pedophile and there was mountains of evidence in each of the court cases to prove it. Now the veil had truly been lifted for me on EVERYONE and my message is that I denounce what they are doing and refuse to freely give them my energy anymore. They believe that they are gods and they feed off of us. We risk our very souls looking to them as leaders. When push comes to shove and this matrix starts to collapse, they’re going to be fine. They will likely reincarnate into the AI robot future and enjoy being stuck in this hell realm for eternity. It’ll be us looking around confused like I had no idea these people were in on it the entire time.
I’m taking my power back and exposing that nothing, absolutely nothing, not fame not money not creative power…is worth my soul. These folks I worshipped already paid their price, we still have a choice. But time is short.
And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Mark 8:36