How I Became the Demiurge’s Sex Kitten

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

(Disclaimer: I encourage you to do your own research on everything I’m talking about and ask your own Spirit to guide you to the truth. Trigger warnings to survivors as I talk about my past trauma + programming.)

The Demiurge almost stole my entire life from me. I was never meant to wake up, turn back to the Monad and deprogram. I was supposed to die young. I’m 28 now. The Demiurge meant for me to become a beta sex kitten with a hardened, black heart and for me to die in ignorance, doomed to repeat this life over and over again.

I was under a spell — trauma based mind control. Monarch programming. The same spell that is being cast globally to convince humanity to walk straight into their own continued bondage. In case no one has told you yet, I will. This world is run by occultists. Psychopathic, demon-possessed, cannibalistic, and pedophilic occultists who believe by their bloodline they have the right to rule over you. I didn’t read this in a book (although I have done extensive research for the past few years), instead, all I had to do was look at my own life and lived experience to KNOW this is true. True gnosis.

“One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically.” - Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler (whistleblowers)

I always thought my father’s side of the family was Christian. It turns out I actually come from a multi-generational Satanic/Saturnic family. Atleast 4 generations back there are members of the Order of the Eastern Star, Military, and Freemasons. My father’s father, my grandfather, was a 33rd Degree Freemason. This means he ate of the forbidden fruit (knowledge of good and evil a.k.a high occult knowledge), took the ultimate oath and sold his soul and his bloodline descendants to demonic entities. He cursed the rest of his family line, his children (my father) and their descendants (me). I was groomed with what are called “beta alters” to either become a 1) sex worker or 2) a fake Christian leader for the AntiChrist or 3) a false light new age prophet or teacher channeling demons for a post-Covid New World Order.

I would’ve never known any of this if it wasn’t for my Spirit waking up and going on a continuous healing journey to uncover the root of my pain and behavior. The way human brains work when faced with an overwhelming trauma is that it builds a wall of amnesia around the memory and creates a split in your personality so that you can continue on as a person without the traumatic memory. That is the life I lived for 20+ years before starting therapy in 2018 and then coming to the horrendous truth in 2021 of being sexually molested by a grown man at 5 years old.

I was easy to program with mind control because I inherited the gift and curse of being highly sensitive and dissociative. I can dissociate from pain or even leave my body altogether when things become too much. It’s my automatic coping mechanism for life, I can’t tell you how many conversations and events I’ve just spaced out of. It’s second nature for me.

Digging into my past and origins also revealed that I was born in a state mental hospital in Los Angeles that no longer exists. It was a front for CIA mind control programming. I also was abused in daycare as well as surrounded by pedophiles and those that protected them at a Christian private school in Compton. Then, I went to a CIA mind control programming elementary school in Long Beach for my foundational years (1st-3rd grade). It was an “observational” school where my father admitted he’d been asked to put me in a government study on ~gifted children. I would get picked up and go on field trips, then have no memory of what I did or where I went. I have fragments of memories of a white van, references to an agent 36, and underground places.

My programming started earlier than elementary school though. I am still figuring out how much of this was intentional black magick and how much was the unconscious programming and generational curses of my parents, but I basically went through the process of being born as a “Moonchild.” I was conceived out of wedlock, traumatized in-vitro by a botched abortion, my mother was told I couldn’t breathe and they took me away from my mother at birth and I was taken God knows where to be traumatized more in the CIA front hospital.

If the mother is a low income mother, the Freemasons will let them use their network of hospitals for free. Some of these premature children are described as dead and taken with the excuse that “they can’t breathe”. They then are used for programming experimentation. - Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler (whistleblowers)

In my early childhood, my core, true self split into alter personalities due to the continual abuse by someone I loved and bonded with as a child. This man that I loved and trusted to take care of me also sexually molested me. I also came home from pre-school with unexplained injuries and had surgery for a staph infection in my throat/neck when I was really young.

Part of the programming is to have the primary initial abuser bond with the child. A close loving bond is needed between a child and the initial abuser so that a clean split is created when the initial mind-splitting trauma is carried out. The clean split occurs when the child is confronted with two irreconcilable opposing viewpoints of someone who is important to them. The child can’t reconcile the two extremely opposite views of the same person, one being a loving caretaker, and the other being the worst kind of abuser. The person the child trusted the most is the person the child fears the most.

The standard Trauma-based mind control which produces programmed multiple personalities is started on children before the age of 6. - Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler (whistleblowers)

These original sexual and medical traumas are what was used to anchor and layer in more and more programming throughout my highly controlled and TARGETED life. I was subject to Wizard of Oz programming in elementary school that just made it easier for me to dissociate. As a child of the 90s and early 2000s, I also watched all of the Disney and Nickelodeon that was programming our young minds too. Traumatizing us with tragic stories of parents dying and alchemizing journeys to self discovery for example. We were all pretty primed for mind control, multigenerational satanic family or not.

All of this may seem hard to believe but that’s why we dissociate so much from it to function in day to day life. I’ve had so many experiences that are outside of consensus reality, so I kept them to myself. Both my boyfriend and I suffered from bouts of insomnia and night terrors. After I started to wake up to my programming, my fears of sleep resurfaced. Eventually, I was able to recover that since I was a child, I’d been visited by terrifying grey alien beings. It happened again as an adult in Dec. 2020, and I was told “You can’t tell people about this because they’ll think you’re crazy.” At this point, I couldn’t care less whether people think I’m crazy. I just want to be free. Alien programming is real (ask yourself why the government is coming out with proof of UFOs and all the movies, music videos, etc are so alien-themed right now — you’re being programmed to accept all of this), but spirits do exist, interdimensional beings exist. I’m just not convinced they are benevolent. It’s mostly coming from the same dark, evil forces of military, intelligence agencies (CIA, FBI, DHS,…COINTELPRO), and satanic black & chaos magick practicioners that run our reality. What people think are aliens, are in fact - demons, of the human and non-human (spirit) kind. This trauma was layered into me too but again, hidden behind walls of amnesia.

We’ve all been lied to and programmed. It’s why I saw through the COVID deception because I’ve seen how programming works first-hand. With my satanic programming firmly in place and my personality fragmented from trauma, all it would take is the right circumstances in my life and triggers for me to follow my programming completely. The right triggers and programming for me was finding out my home and the church of my childhood was full of secrets and abuse. I was triggered into my Satanic/Saturnic programming and I unconsciously followed it to my detriment. I allowed demons to attach to me through my repeated beliefs and negative actions. I embraced darkness. I was done with this life and this world. I didn’t feel loved. What I thought was God…but was actually the Demiurge…allowed my lineage to go through slavery, allowed me to be sexually abused…I was done with Him/It.

I believed that Spirit rejected me for being a “sexual 5 year old,” masturbating early. I had no idea what I had been exposed to. I resented all the years I fought with myself trying to be pure and walked right into a programmed lifestyle that felt natural. I got into riskier and riskier sex and met my boyfriend (and potential handler) who could introduce me to play parties, hotel parties and other means of kink. Little did I know, I’d been groomed and programmed for years to believe being sexually empowered, free, and body positive meant eroding all my sexual boundaries. A lot of that experience was acting out of my programming and trauma, not being empowered and independent. I was seeking my inner deity, but in ways that could harm me. I gained more and more occult knowledge.

“If you were asked now, “HOW DOES the Demiurge ENSLAVE PEOPLE?” you should know the answer because it was just given to you. The answer is the Demiurge’s control is trauma-based.”

I followed my programming because it felt safer than getting to the root of my fears and pain. I was a slave to my programming and to all the behavior that followed. I was a slave, but I’m not the only one. The forces that run this world won’t stop until we all are. Our energy powers this matrix and feeds it the beauty it wouldn’t have without us. This realm would be pure hell.

Eventually, Mind-controlled slaves, and society in general, in order to have peace, safety and self-preservation, will transfer their allegiance to the master programmer, the AntiChrist/Beast/AI.

I see this happening now with post-COVID society. People are trading in their freedoms and bodily autonomy for some sense of safety even when it doesn’t make sense. But the trauma of the initial deaths and lockdowns has worn people down and made it so easy to program them with more and more lies.

My own inner Spirit helped me deprogram and helps me see Truth. Collage making, facilitating healing circles, making music, healthier eating, abstaining from my old vices are helping this healing journey too. I’ve never known real unconditional love in this matrix, I got false constricting love from false religion growing up and confusing, abusive actions pretending to be love from “people” around me, and I haven’t loved myself properly either. I’m coming as humbly as I can now, to tell you that we are made whole in gathering all our soul parts from this demonic matrix and leaving this place. I love you, all real souls from our real home, and there’s more to come. I’m breaking curses, codes of silence, and all kinds of programming doing this.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20

sex kitten alter in full effect with the horns always close by

sex kitten alter in full effect with the horns always close by

enjoying my “freedom” separate from God, and the horns are everywhere during this time

enjoying my “freedom” , and the horns are everywhere during this time

drunk with the wine of the world and devil horns, of course.

drunk and horns, of course.

wearing beta sex kitten cheetah print and the left hand devil horns…naturally

wearing beta sex kitten cheetah print and the left hand devil horns…naturally

This curse sign came so naturally and with the left hand as it is properly used.

This curse sign came so naturally and with the left hand as it is properly used.

double cross imagery = sign of double agents who front as Christian while actually worshipping the AntiChrist

double cross imagery = sign of double agents who front as Christian while actually worshipping the AntiChrist

fellow victim of Monarch Programming, Justin Bieber. Lucifer is  banking on him bringing more and more people to the AntiChrist.

fellow victim of Monarch Programming, Justin Bieber. Demiurge is banking on him bringing more and more people to the AntiChrist/Beast/AI.

Rebecca Berry